Dragon Builder Code Overhaul

posted in: Blog | 7
Published: June 20th, 2023
Last modified: November 21st, 2024

Small and brief update to inform you that the Dragon Builder, my dragon doll-maker web-based application/game, has recently undergone a total code overhaul and is significantly faster to load, less likely to crash your tab, and should generally be much more expandable. I’ll be tidying up its’ appearance over the next week and making it look nice.

Please update your bookmarks to the new URL: https://www.monsterbrainsoup.com/dragon-builder

I’m now using the /dragonbuilder directory for files. Your old bookmarks may give you a 403 Forbidden error. I’ll try to correct that via htaccess.

7 Responses

  1. Lavender_silk:)

    this OC maker that I have been using is great and its helping me make certain tribe OC’s because I have been trying to find a OC maker so I can finish all my OC’s and its been very helpful and also can you add lavender to your color chart please?

  2. Erika

    This is a great game! Is there any way to save or print?

    • Lukas

      Hey, thank you for the suggestion! I just added a Save button so you can easily download your dragons.

  3. Jay

    I’ve been playing with your dragon builder for hours on end. My wife enjoys it too. The options are great but we would love to see some additional head and body shapes, insect/butterfly wings, a few more scale patterns, and maybe some extra horn/spike options. Thank you for creating such a wonderful game/tool.

  4. Riley Calcagno

    I love making my ocs and Wings Of Fire characters into amazingly detailed dragons in this game! So many options, so many opportunities! I thank you for this game and hope it will get better and better with every evolution you make it have.

  5. Adeline

    This is a great game!I can make game characters as dragons

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