Favorite “Well of Souls” Monsters

posted in: Blog, Reviews & Favorites | 2
Published: August 30th, 2021
Last modified: September 14th, 2021

Well of Souls is a free-to-play fantasy RPG game that was launched in 1998 and tremendously popular with my gradeschool self and friends. It was the first ever indie-developed MMORPG – in order to play online with other players, someone had to be hosting the session on their own home computer using the creator’s own software called MIX.

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Favorite Gen 7 Pokémon

posted in: Reviews & Favorites | 0
Published: February 6th, 2021
Last modified: May 18th, 2023

This was an INCREDIBLY innovative generation of Pokémon. The introduction of the Ultra Beasts as extra-dimensional ‘Mon that were often frightening and bizarre was huge.


The hunter cloaked in green is an old archetype, and I’m honestly surprised they didn’t give it a bow made of leaves and vines, or even deer antlers like Herne the Hunter.

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Favorite Gen 6 Pokémon

posted in: Reviews & Favorites | 0
Published: January 30th, 2021
Last modified: April 5th, 2023

Continuing from my Generation 5 review, here’s my five favorite Pokémon from Generation 6, X and Y.

Not the most amazingly creative generation, but not a bad one, either! Honestly, a lot of the concepts introduced were cooler than the actual execution of the final designs.

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